Reflection: Faith Starter – God’s Word
(Further reading: Romans 10:1-21)
Is the Book of Romans one of your favourite books of the Bible? I tend to find it very challenging to read, but Paul has put together what Bible scholars have said to be very important knowledge and truth about Christendom and its teachings. History tells us that some very significant people in the Church have come to the saving grace of Jesus Christ by reading the Book of Romans. Many have been nurtured also in the Christian faith through this book.
As for me, Romans Chapter 10 has impacted my life in wonderful ways. It has helped me understand Jesus Christ and the Mosaic Law a lot more (10:4). I have come to simple faith in Christ by reading this chapter as I am guided to understanding the concept of salvation. I know that I am a saved sinner because I applied what Romans 10:9 tells me:
“If you declare with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.”
I will never be put to shame because I believed in the Lord Jesus Christ (v.11). I discovered that my faith journey started with Christ and was initiated by his living Word.
Faith, then, comes from the word of Christ, which I was able to hear from reading Romans 10. Apart from the Bible, I have had some other opportunities too of hearing the Word of Christ: from my parents at home, from my village church, and from other sources. My faith was developed along the way — a process. But I am thankful that someone gave me the opportunity to hear Christ’s message and gave me a Bible.
How about those who still don’t have an opportunity to hear through the word of Christ? They still need people like you and me to share God’s life and Word with them so that they, too, can start a wonderful and exciting faith journey with the King of kings! Are you ready to take up that call?
Dear Lord, if you are looking for a messenger to share the words of Jesus with someone, then please consider me. I would like to at least give a try the next couple of days. May you open the door of opportunity, open that person’s heart you want me to reach, and open my mouth so I speak the Word of truth. Amen!