Reflection: Faith apart from works is dead, James 2:17 says. Though some today might debate which is more important, social justice or evangelism, Isaiah makes it clear that true fasting, true love for God, compels us to respond to the needs of others. Put another way, the natural outpouring of an inner change is caring for others. Isaiah’s poetry here shows us exactly what that looks like: sharing food with the hungry, providing shelter for those without a home. When we see those without clothes, we respond with jackets or shoes. And no matter the situation, we don’t turn away from
family. We enter into the realm of brokenness, of bringing justice to an unjust world, as caregivers because we have been cared for. We love because he first loved us. So, true fasting means responding to God’s love for us by loving his people wholly. This is living out the Good News of Christ.
Question: How do acts of justice and evangelistic efforts work together?
Prayer: Lord, please loosen my grip on the things that are too precious to me—time, money, home—so I may
serve others in need. Help me to reflect your generosity and compassion everywhere I go because you have so graciously given me all that I need in Christ. Amen.