Reflection: When Jerusalem collapsed in the sixth century B.C., it symbolised a deeper spiritual ruin that self-righteousness, idolatry and human failure caused. When God intervenes through Isaiah’s words, however, he brings a new vision for transforming the age-old foundations. Indeed, God’s people are to be about the business of resurrection, of rebuilding and reclaiming lost lives and broken hearts. Everyone who professes to follow the Triune God has an immediate mission: to repair the broken walls of unjust institutions and to restore the streets of our neighbours around us.
Every corner of culture is under Christ’s Lordship and our privilege as his people is to join him in his resurrection work, bringing about new life and hope. What an awesome responsibility God has entrusted to us, to be his hands and his voice as advocates for wholeness and just living! Thankfully, his Spirit, who raised Christ from the dead, is now at work in us!
Question: What areas of culture is God leading you to help rebuild for Christ’s glory?
Prayer: Lord Jesus, you are the Resurrection and the Life. Thank you for the privilege of being your people and for the ministry you’ve given us to restore, repair and rebuild your world for your purposes. Amen.