18 day plan

Stormy Waters

Day 18 of 18


Reflection:  This place is not our home. We are “foreigners and strangers on earth” (Hebrews 11:13). We are those who eagerly look forward to inheriting our true home—God’s kingdom. In the meantime, we understand ourselves to be ambassadors for that kingdom (2 Corinthians 5:20).

Christians therefore see death not as an ending but as a beginning; not a terminus, but an entrance.

I have, rather extraordinarily, walked up to that entrance a couple of times with the cancer, only to be told politely that I may not yet go through it—I’ve more work to do.

So, I continue to wrestle with cancer and do what I can for the kingdom. In the “still” times, I picture myself kneeling in front of Jesus… and all I can do is hold onto one of his feet, wanting to feel his presence. I thought I was totally weird… until I read in Matthew 28:9 that the disciples did exactly the same thing!

I will die… possibly quite soon. And that is okay—for the best is yet to come!

Prayer:  Dear Father, I am homesick. Thank you for instilling in me a love for “home”. All I ask is that I might show your glory, finish well and get home safely.