Reflection: I loved God before I got cancer, and I continue to love God now I have cancer. Having cancer didn’t cause me to suddenly become “more spiritual”. It did, however, test my faith… and I have grown a deeper relationship with God as a result. I find myself increasingly guilty of acts of spontaneous worship, and I “cat-nap” pray throughout the day.
It’s good to be able to meet suffering with a robust faith born of a lifetime’s heritage of knowing God. Why? Because it has grown my roots.
Suffering and grief will test you. So, let’s agree to grow our roots down deep into God and drink deeply of the source of life, so that when the searing heat of suffering comes, we flourish. Let’s be the tree that is planted by the water.
Prayer: Dear Lord Jesus, Thank you for allowing the circumstances that have caused me to walk in a deeper relationship with you. I love being with you.