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Caring for Creation

Tony Rinaudo, author of ‘The Forest Underground’, reflects: “As a boy, the trees, hills and mountain streams of northeast Victoria were my playground, but I was upset that the bushland was being bulldozed, agricultural chemicals were poisoning the water and fish in the streams. This environmental destruction was mirrored around the world. As Christians, we know that creation belongs to the one whom we call Lord. So, a question I asked myself was, 'what is my responsibility towards creation as a Christian?' This devotional series will look at what happens when God’s creation is mistreated, what it means to be good stewards of God’s creation, and the blessing Christians receive when relying on God to help us restore and live in harmony with the gift of his creation.”

Author: Tony Rinaudo
Tony’s lifework has been in the environmental and humanitarian spheres, focusing on forest and landscape restoration and helping farmers to become self-sufficient through natural farming approaches. Tony’s autobiography ‘The Forest Underground’ is a deeply moving account of his faith-journey, and offers tangible hope for creation, as it moves hearts and hands to care for the planet. Tony works as an Advisor for World Vision, promoting reforestation initiatives globally.
