14 day plan

Saints in Rome, Saints at Home

Day 14 of 14


Reflection:  Unsurprisingly, the closer Paul gets to the end of his letter, the more intimately it reads.

He’s imagining how great it will be to actually gather in person. Pray!

In treasuring these loved ones and their faith he’s got a few more fatherly warnings. Be on guard!

And then he’s picturing individuals – their various strengths and weaknesses. He just can’t help himself but bubble over in affirmation and affection with a whole list of named saints. Be blessed!

Nowadays blessing seems a bit ‘vintage’. But what richer way to entrust someone to God’s safekeeping than a blessing? The Bible is full of them (more than 82 if you can trust Google). Paul peppers the end of this letter with at least five. So, our two weeks in Romans aptly ends with us entrusting ourselves to God, entrusting each other, and praising him who has the power to bless.

Prayer:  May God, who inspires hope through the miraculous power of the Holy Spirit, completely satisfy you with calm delight and peace so you burst with hope.*…To the one who has power to establish you by the Good News of Jesus Christ…the one and only wise God, be glory forever through Jesus Christ! Amen.**

*Romans 15:13

**Romans 16:25,27