Reflection: I’m sure you’ve been noticing through Romans, that a saint is essentially someone who, by the mercy of God, is spiritually reborn; renewed. Animated by the Holy Spirit, our lives yield spiritual fruit. Each day is a harvest festival! We can yield and gather spiritual fruit as an abundant gift of thanks to God. It’s a spiritual reality that our hearts have been transformed, and it’s a physical reality that our lives demonstrate that transformation. But the apostle doesn’t just let the facts sink in. He didn’t just plant a church in Rome. In this letter he returns, as it were, to nurture it: to water and cultivate; to prod and prune, to assess and admire. So then, brothers and sisters in Christ, in light of God’s mercy, I plead that you reflectively worship by offering your whole self. A life pure and dedicated to him is what pleases God.*
Prayer: I’m reflecting on your grace, Father, and your ever-present, enabling Spirit. It has me wondering about today’s harvest. What fruitful gift will l offer back to you today? Impassion me to be obedient to you and devoted to your people. Keep me joyful in hope, enduring in hardship, persevering in prayer and generous in spirit.**
*Romans 12:1
**Romans 12:10-13