3 day plan

Generosity - Part 2

How can we show generosity in our everyday lives? What drives us to be generous? Moments for Mums: Encouragement for mums in the midst of the beautiful mess of parenting and life. Presented by MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) Australia. Find out more about MOPS Australia at mops.org.au or connect with us on social media.

Author: Louise Pekan
Louise has been a mum to many. A foster parent for over 10 years, she has changed countless nappies and spent many nights holding scared and sleepy babies and toddlers. Louise is a full-time mum to 6 kids and encourages the wider church to step into Foster care. Over the years Louise has been a MOPS Coordinator, MOPS Kids' coordinator, Regional leader and Growth and Strategy leader. A little bit of coffee (ok, a lot of coffee) and Jesus keep her going.
