Reflection: The wonder of faith
Have you ever stopped to thank God for your senses? And for a world full of wonder and delight – in sounds, colours, shapes, textures, sizes etc.? Have you ever stopped to think what the world would be like if God only used one or two colours, and made only one or two varieties of each creature? What if nothing had any taste or smell?
Isn’t God gracious and generous in giving us lots of ways to enjoy the beauty and variety of his world!
Children’s natural curiosity can be heightened and sharpened as we bring God into our conversations about the natural world. This helps them to appreciate that God’s love and care is reflected in the world he has made, a perspective they may not be offered anywhere else.
Let’s help the children in our lives to ‘put on the lens of faith’ as they observe the natural world. May we all take the time, even snippets of time to observe, savour and enjoy the wonders of the natural world around us.
What can you learn from observing the children in your life wonder at the natural world?
Prayer: Thank you, God, for this world, full of wonder and delight, a world that shouts out your majesty, creativity and love. Help us each day to rejoice in what you have made and to help those around us to do likewise. Amen.