14 day plan

Passing on the Faith

Day 11 of 14


ReflectionFaith – education or formation?

For generations, our society has seen schools and universities as the primary places of learning. This is in many ways true, but let’s not forget that families and church families play an integral role in the education of our young ones. This particularly applies to faith formation. As we all know when we take the time to reflect, that growth in our understanding of faith and the development of our connection with God is not primarily about knowledge, but about relationship. How do we best learn about relationships? By being in relationships. So, the strength and quality of our relationships with the children in our lives will influence (but not guarantee) our contribution to their faith development. Children are expert observers of adults and our attitudes and behaviours. A child can read an adult well before they can read a book. Let’s ensure there is a direct relationship between our professed faith and its expression in our daily life.

When we think of passing on the faith to the next generation, do we regard this more as an educational process or more of a formation process? Why? How might God see it?

Prayer:  Lord Jesus thank you that you understand the importance of relationship for faith development, demonstrating this in all the many relationships that you nurtured during your time on earth. Help us to be diligent in nurturing the faith of the children in our lives through the quality and depth of our relationships with them. Amen.