Peter is appalled by Jesus’ actions and raises the objection – ‘Lord – are you going to wash my feet?’ Peter was concerned because he considered the washing of feet beneath Jesus’ dignity. Jesus says that Peter doesn’t understand what he is doing. He is demonstrating, in advance, the nature of the servant leadership he will offer by laying down his life on the cross.
Peter doesn’t yet see this, so he objects even more strongly by saying, ‘you shall never wash my feet.’ Jesus responds by saying, ‘Unless I wash you, you have no part with me’ (verse 8).
Jesus cleanses us from all our sins when we come to him in faith (we ‘have a bath’, verse 10). Yet we need to return to Jesus regularly, to confess our sin and seek forgiveness for thoughts, words or actions that may mar our relationship with God (we need to ‘wash our feet’, verse 10). All of us need to humble ourselves, to let Jesus wash us whole and be cleansed of our sins.
Give thanks for Jesus washing you whole and yet being always available to cleanse you of particular sins… Pray for those who you know who you are hoping (and praying) will be cleaned by Jesus…