Reflection: Here is another brief, but stirring, account of what you’d want to be said of you long after you’re gone: that you walked with God. Today’s verse fills in more detail on what that means: it is to be righteous before God and blameless among men. Being ‘blameless’ seems fairly self-explanatory, but being ‘righteous’ is harder to define. The best we can often come up with is ‘not sinning’. But being righteous involves more than that. It is not only to refrain from doing evil, but to actively choose the good, and to seek to right what is wrong. Noah wasn’t perfect, but God used him to save humanity from the flood. He foreshadows Jesus, an even more righteous and blameless saviour who walks the way of the cross.
Prayer: Our Father, we thank you that Noah walked with you and that you used him to preserve human life at the time of the flood. We also thank you that you sent Jesus to rescue all of humanity from the grave, and that in him we are righteous and blameless before you. Help us to follow Jesus always. Amen.