14 day plan


Day 7 of 14


Reflection: Blessing Seven – Food

The Lord blesses us with food. We are privileged to live in an era when we have a myriad of options to eat and drink which reflect many cultures. I’m often struck by the meticulous care and devotion that is expressed in preparing coffee, food and drinks. The Bible has many warnings against over-indulgence which is a big challenge for many of us. At the same time, food, hospitality and feasting are recurring images of God’s goodness and human joy and community. Jesus describes himself as ‘the bread of life’, and if we feed on him, we will never be hungry (John 6:35).

Today as you prepare meals, as you drink at your favourite café, as you plan a family celebration, or you look forward to catching up with friends over a meal, give thanks! Thank those who serve you (do it personally). Play your part to help feed those who have less resources than you, and pray that this food and feasting and delight will point people to the God of generosity whose hand lays behind it all. Rejoice that we have the wedding banquet of the Lord to look forward to in God’s future for us and humankind.

Prayer:  All praise and blessing to you, God of love and abundance, creator of the universe and source of the food which we savour and enjoy. We praise you, for you have created joy and gladness, feasting and laughter, pleasure and delight. We praise you for blessing us with Jesus as our living bread. Help us to play our part to ensure all people are blessed with food to eat. Amen. (Inspired by a prayer in A Prayer Book for Australia).