Reflection: Blessing Ten – Beauty
Every day we are blessed with signs of beauty. In spite of the impact of human induced climate change, it is hard to escape the wonders and the beauty of the world in which we live. As you go about this day enjoy these wonders – flowers, trees, rivers, the sea, the sky, birds and other creatures. One could go on and on.
As the Psalmist reminds us, God’s beauty is also seen in the peoples of the world. In their love and creativity, in art, in music, in hospitality and compassion, in humour and great sporting or other feats. While there is much to be disappointed about amongst the peoples of the world, there is so much to delight in and be grateful for.
The beauty of creation and human creativity points us to the God who made it all. It was not done with a half measure but done generously and fully. Praise God this day for his beauty in your life and his world.
Prayer: Creator God, we thank you for the wonders and glories of your creation. We rejoice in the signs of people being made in your image and for the bursts of creativity and love that impact our hearts and lives. Help us to shed beauty abroad in the hearts of others this day. Amen.