14 day plan


Day 14 of 14


Reflection: Blessing Fourteen – Simple Pleasures

During the extended lock downs many of us have lived through in the past two years, we have lived very restricted lives. In the midst of this, one can become more acutely aware of the many simple pleasures that make life richer and fuller. Walking, reading, watching, swimming, connecting with neighbours, and strangers etc. Even though it was all very unusual and different, it was possible to be thankful for the many little things that made each day, each week more bearable.

It’s great to know we are blessed by a God who is good and is our refuge and hope. We all want to be able to love life and see good days, don’t we? In seeking after good days, we need to be faithful people, to turn from evil and pursue the good.

Today, give thanks for the simple pleasures that God is blessing you with. Sing his praises and acknowledge him along the way.

Prayer: Sustaining God, we thank you for being our refuge in good days and in tough days. We thank you that we are blessed with many simple pleasures each day and we ask that you would prompt us to acknowledge who you are, as we share in them along the way. Amen.