14 day plan


Day 12 of 14


Reflection: Blessing Twelve – Challenges

Each of us in life face many challenges. What we see here is that it is in the midst of our struggles and difficulties that we get to be especially blessed. Paul had prayed for the Lord to take away his so called ‘thorn in the flesh’ and the response of Jesus was to not take it away but to urge him to lean into him and his grace. Blessings come in many forms and surprisingly it’s when are weak and up against it that we especially know God’s love and care.

Bring before God today your points of pain and tension, your struggles and your difficulties. Seek his grace and his strength. May he bless you with his wisdom, grace and energy. May his grace be sufficient for you.

Prayer:  All powerful and sustaining God, we thank you for your help in times of trouble. Help us to look to you for your grace and power as we struggle and suffer. We pray this in the strong name of Jesus. Amen.