14 day plan

Are We There Yet? Part Two

Day 9 of 14


Reflection:  Trustworthy

It is slightly odd. As I write today’s devotion, I’m waiting on a phone call that will tell me whether I will die sooner or later. I’ve been offered a place on an experimental trial that might keep me alive, but the fact that I’ve just had abdominal surgery might disqualify me, so that all that is open to me is palliative care. The poor doctors. Sometimes we place on them the burden of having to act like God!

All of this, of course, highlights the question of who it is you trust. You can glibly say, ‘I trust God,’ and then, with a shock, realise that your life really is on the line; forcing you to test whether what you say is true.

I can tell you that it is true. I trust the God who created a cosmos of unimaginable wonder so that we could exist and be loved. I trust the God who came as a man to die on a cross to pay the price for my sins that would otherwise disqualify me from his presence. I trust the God who has guided me and delighted me in every phase of my life, including (perhaps particularly) in my sickness.

God can be trusted.

Prayer:  Dear Father, you are the giver of all life, and you have promised us a place in your eternal kingdom after we die. Please forgive me when I struggle to surrender to death. Have your way in me, I pray.