Reflection: The Paradox of Surrender
Being with God means being in your right place. The “rightness” of this should evoke the “aah” of the soul. It is everything as it should be. It is being in the service of God and savouring his love. If my ego pushes me forward, it will lead me to a place I don’t deserve to be. It will mean that I am seeking to steal some of God’s glory. This was the very thing that led to Satan’s downfall. So, I want to lean back into the safety of God’s love and be content in my right place – a place that allows me to achieve my full potential and live my intended purpose.
The reality is that only when I submit to God’s lordship can I be “me” in the fullest sense possible.
The whole business of becoming less so that you can become more is perhaps the most important paradox you and I will ever need to navigate.
Let’s navigate it well.
Prayer: Lord Jesus, that terrible thing called “pride” lurks in the shadows of my heart, seeking to strut its deceit when I am not vigilant. Keep me safe under the shadow of your wings, I pray.