14 day plan

Are We There Yet? Part Two

Day 3 of 14


Reflection:  Eternal Rest

Today’s passage turns our understanding of death on its head. It is a highly unusual passage. The Old Testament prophet, Isaiah, begins by wondering why ungodly people have failed to notice that so many “good” people die early. Sometimes, of course, they do notice and when they do, they use this as a reason to disbelieve in God. They say: ‘The God you trust has not given Christians more blessings in this life than anyone else, therefore he doesn’t exist.’ (They believe that God has to be a “sugar-daddy” God who only dispenses good in this life – which, of course, is very wrong.)

Isaiah goes on to say something quite extraordinary. He says that many of God’s people die early because God wants to spare them any more hardship and persecution. In other words, God wants them to enjoy his “peace” as early as possible. Death, therefore, is a blessing.

The “take home” message from this passage is pretty clear. Those who love God have no reason to fear death, for the best is yet to come.

Prayer:  Dear Father, thank you for killing off any fear of death for those who trust you. Please remove the power and sting of the spectre of death in my life. Please build in me an anticipation of coming home to you.