Further reading: Joseph settles his family: Genesis 47:1-12
Pandanus : The pandanus tree was also known as “bread fruit”.
Indigenous: Indigenous people were not considered citizens of Australia until 1967 and prior were regulated under the Flora
and Fauna Law. The federal constitution, written in 1900, explicitly stated that Aboriginals would not be counted in any state or federal census. Australia is the only country in the Commonwealth that does not have a treaty with its Indigenous people.
Joseph: A treaty is a covenant between God and his people. Joseph was a forerunner of Jesus. Joseph saved a nation and Jesus died to save all nations. Jesus, the Bread of Life was the blood covenant (treaty), that whosoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life.
Questions: Do you know of people who need salvation through the Bread of Life (Jesus)?
Prayer: Lord, I thank you that you made a covenant with us through your blood sacrifice on the cross. I pray for the salvation of (insert names).