Series Introduction
There is a wealth of wisdom and encouragement for believers in this one chapter of the first letter of Peter. As we explore chapter 5, verse by verse, be encouraged by Jesus’ example of servant leadership, the promise of our eternal glory, the nature of true humility, the reminder to be alert and stand firm, and the amazing grace and sustaining power of our God.
Reflection: Servant Leaders
Every church and parachurch organisation has leaders. Peter writes to the leaders of his day as a fellow elder, who had the unique privilege and perspective of being a first-hand witness of Christ’s sufferings. For him, the sufferings of this life point to the future glory we will share in together.
It’s important for all of us who are in leadership of any type, to acknowledge that we only get to be a part of it because of Christ’s sufferings on our behalf. He founded the Church and invited us to share in his mission in his world. More especially, he set the model of the servant leader.
Any leadership role will involve struggles and tensions. It’s great to know that we too will share in future glory, when we rejoice that we played our part in it all.
Question: How can you reflect Jesus’ servant leadership today?
Prayer: Gracious God, thank you for Christ’s sacrificial death on our behalf. Help us to lead in such a way that we reflect Jesus’ example as we point people to the hope we have in him. Amen.