Though Easter has passed again for another year, I like to take the time to stop and ponder what Easter means. For me, the message of Easter is about God sending his one and only son to die on the cross for my sins. Jesus did not deserve to die but he took the place of someone that did: me. The Easter message is such a deep reminder that I am a sinner, and that Jesus came to earth, died a horrible death, and rose again a few days later – as an incredible sacrifice he made for me. I am so overwhelmed, and so grateful, that Jesus loved me enough to do this.
The author of Hebrews urges us to focus our attention on Jesus. For the original Greek readers, this instruction carries significant profound meaning. They are not only directed to gaze at Jesus but also to deliberately avert their eyes from everything else. This call to turn away from distractions and fixate solely on Jesus holds a deeper significance than what may be apparent in English.
As I enjoyed time with family, Easter eggs, hot cross buns and the fellowship of other Christians, Hebrews 12:2 was a really good reminder to not only ‘fix’ my eyes on Jesus in a determined way, but to also turn away from other things that might hinder my view of the cross.
Heavenly Father, thank you that Jesus is the ultimate example of endurance. Please help us to throw off that which hinders. Help us to keep our eyes firmly fixed on the cross and to turn away from other things that are not helpful to us.