7 day plan

Foundations of Faith

For the next seven days, we’ll be reading the Bible with Emily Maurits, one of the contributors to Bible Society Australia’s new ‘Read This’ Youth Bible, which is especially designed to guide young Aussies through the basics of Christianity, answering key questions and offering suggestions for how to mature in the faith. Throughout this devotion series, we’ll be reflecting on the key tenets of our faith, which an important practice for all believers to do, not just young believers. Not only does this enable us to praise God anew for his goodness, but it also equips us to articulate our beliefs to others. What better place to start than the Bible itself!

Author: Emily Maurits
Emily J. Maurits is an assistant minister in Sydney's inner west. She is the author of several books, including Two Sisters and a Brain Tumour (a memoir) and the founder of www.calledtowatch.com, a collection of resources for those with chronic illness in the family. She is passionate about meeting suffering people where they are, talking about big ideas, and 7-eleven coffee.
