Like most Australians, I love visiting a good beach. Bondi is one of our iconic best. I have enjoyed several visits. Thousands flock to Bondi to enjoy golden sand, a good surf and even a selfie with the Bondi Rescue crew. We are encouraged to stay ‘between the flags,’ and rightly so. Outside of the flags lie dangerous currents (the infamous backpackers rip), treacherous rocks and circling sharks. Many wanders from the safe path and into trouble.
In its original context, Psalm 119:105-106 speaks to the importance of the right place of God’s word. Light from Scripture enables sight. The walker on a path can see pitfalls and snares beyond harmless looking shadows. The psalmist commits to upholding God’s righteous guidance, the word of God.
God’s word is life-giving. That which is ‘between the flags’ is both good and sufficient. If you are anything like me, it is easy to swim outside of the flags into shadowy waters that feel more inviting. Often this drift catches us out. We are susceptible to be caught up in our own sin or in the plans of others that isn’t for our best. Let’s stay between the flags, the good boundary of God’s word.
Dear heavenly Father. Thank you so much for the light of your word. It is truly both a lamp for my feet and a light on my path. Thank you that when I do wander off the path, outside of the flags, you are there with me. You sent Jesus to rescue me from the wages of sin and death.