18 day plan

Stormy Waters

Day 14 of 18


Reflection: This passage tells us not to fear the desperate realities that will confront us in life. It reminds us of past times when God rescued his people from fire and flood.

But what does this mean for those who face cancer, or who are being persecuted? What comfort does this passage give to those who are being raped, tortured and murdered for their faith?

I can only pray that God will be with them in supernatural power to comfort and strengthen, and that God’s glory would be evident to their persecutors. If what I have experienced in my cancer journey is anything to go by, God will honour that prayer.

I don’t feel God is unfair in allowing me to have cancer. I have no right to expect that I will avoid suffering in this broken world. Mine is the privilege of honouring God in it.

Cancer is certainly a medical roller coaster. It will leave you emotionally wrecked if you don’t know the love and hope of God.

Prayer:  Dear Father, please be with the persecuted church so that they might experience your presence and show your glory. I am proud to stand alongside them and thank you for the privilege of being able to do so.