18 day plan

Stormy Waters

Day 12 of 18


Reflection:  I’ve asked Mary, my wife, what I might say that is helpful from her perspective, as she has had to live with the prospect of losing her husband to cancer for the last four years.

“Tell them,” she said, “that God is my hiding place. God is my ‘safe place’.”

So there you have it.

Mary has discovered something very special. God has not rescued her from her circumstance but has lifted her above the circumstance, so she views it from God’s perspective, i.e. from the safety of his love, and from a position of confidence in his ultimate plans. This has enabled her not to be crushed under her circumstances, but to sit over them with God—albeit sometimes with tears.

It is a good place to be.

Prayer:  Dear Father, thank you that I can hide in the safety of your love anytime, anywhere, and in any situation. Please lift me into your presence when danger threatens.