14 day plan

Saints in Rome, Saints at Home

Day 13 of 14


Reflection: ‘Let us therefore make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification. ‘ Romans 14:19

I hope you’ve begun noticing saints with whom you’re rubbing shoulders, and that you’re on tiptoe to see God’s Spirit at work in others. It’s a reality worth celebrating that: the influence of the Holy Spirit among you showcases goodness, unity and delight.* Saints celebrate through their honour and affection for each other. What a pleasing offering of thanks back to God that is. But this concord is fraught.

Here’s Paul’s principle: pursue unity and maturity. You who are robust in faith be gentle and accepting of the sensitive in faith, not criticising their principles.

You who are sensitive in faith, keep to your convictions and don’t judge. That’s God’s job.

As C.S. Lewis reflected, “All day long we are, in some degree, helping each other to [our final] destinations.  It is with awe and circumspection, that we should conduct all of our dealings with one another…There are no ordinary people.”**

Blessing/prayer: May the God who gives comfort and endurance make us like-minded with each other through the example of Christ Jesus, prompting our collective, unified praise and honour to the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.***

*Romans 14:17

**C.S. Lewis, The Weight of Glory, pg 45 (edited)

***Romans 15:5-6