14 day plan

Saints in Rome, Saints at Home

Day 12 of 14


Reflection:  We’re reaching the end of the letter where all the practical reminders are collecting, like: water the plants; put out the trash; say hello to ____________. Paul writes: While I myself am confident, my brothers and sisters, that you, yourselves are brimming with godly virtue and doctrine and capable of cautioning each other…I’ve boldly written to reinforce some points because of the grace God’s placed on me…as an apostle.*

Wake up!

Darkness and light–another reality we face, is worth a cautionary prod. There’s not just caution in these verses: Don’t get sleepy/lazy. Don’t let the world drag you back into the dark. Dress in armour so you’re ready for battles of sin, the flesh and the devil. This passage also has urgency. The Gospel alarm has roused you from spiritual sleep and the Day of Salvation is near. It’s a new season. Wake up! And love for all you’re worth.

Prayer:  There’s no sleeping through this bugle call with its urgent invitation to action-packed worship. Holy Spirit, enliven me today to be Christlike in love…joy…peace…forbearance…kindness…goodness…faithfulness…gentleness and self-control.** May this be the character of your church world-wide.

*Romans 15:14-15

**Galatians 5:22-23