14 day plan

Saints in Rome, Saints at Home

Day 1 of 14


Series Introduction

In this season of being hemmed in I’ve immersed myself in the apostle Paul’s letter to the church in Rome. I’ve looked forward to the daily company of this uniquely-appointed missionary—his idiom, his culture, his passions. And I’ve been drinking coffee with THE SAINTS–these chosen ‘outsiders’ (Gentiles) dear to Paul and precious to God, believers in Paul’s message of Good News, followers of Jesus Christ–whose reputation of faith was spreading far and wide. With what angst or affection did Rome’s halo-ed cluster receive this personal message from their very own church planter?

Who, exactly, is a saint–living or dead? Let’s find out.

(Note: verses within the Reflection, quoted in italics, are the author’s paraphrase.) And if you have time, you could read Paul’s entire letter to the Romans over these two weeks.

Reflection:  You’ve been ten-pin bowling and had those days when more throws end up in the gutter than the straight? This letter starts off with an exuberant flourish and no sooner is Paul finished with introductions…that the bowling ball hits the gutter. Throw after throw the apostle launches into what the opposite of a saint looks like. Missing the mark. Missing the mark. Missing the mark. Because everyone has missed the mark. We’re all poor at reflecting the image and glory of God. Follow all the rules you want…those very rules will judge you never good enough.

Against this dark scenario, all the more brightly shines the reality of God’s justice and mercy. A shaft of light: it’s the perfect image of God in a man. A shaft of grace: the divinely predetermined sacrifice of that man, atoning for the sin of all who have faith in him. No wonder artists have portrayed Christ with a crown of light. And staggeringly, this narrative crowns us, who have faith, with that same radiant holiness.

Prayer:  Oh, you know I’ve tried to be good, God…but your crosscut right through that. Bathed in grace; credited with righteousness; born of your Spirit; living in faith. Now it’s different. Now my goodness meets its source at your cross. Animated with your Spirit, help me to be a good and holy reflection of you today.