In the previous verses Gabriel told Mary that the Holy Spirit will come and overshadow her. We are not told how, nor are we told when. However, upon Mary’s arrival at Elizabeth’s door, Elizabeth’s greeting to Mary (and that of her baby in her womb) showed that the Lord’s work had begun.
There is such quiet power in these verses. The person we might assume would be the main character in the scene, Zechariah the priest, is absent and still silent. Instead, it is the faith of his wife Elizabeth and the movement of their unborn baby in the womb that stand out.
As soon as Mary entered the house and called out a greeting, Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit gave Elizabeth the ears to hear who was calling, and eyes to see who stood in front of her. No longer was Mary just a member of her extended family, but through the power of the Holy Spirit, Elizabeth could see the role that Mary has in God’s plan and in God’s family. There was no doubt or resentment, only humble joy and delight in the wonder of it, and the gift of being a part of God’s work herself. The recognition through the Spirit that Elizabeth enjoyed was shared by her baby, who leapt for joy in the womb upon hearing Mary’s greeting. Elizabeth saw with eyes of faith the surprising way that the Lord would enter the world, as a baby, and her heart, like Mary’s, prepared him room.
Distrust of God will silence us. But trust in the Lord blooms into praise.
Prayer: Dear Lord, give us the eyes of faith to trust you, to trust who you say you are, and trust that what you have accomplished in the death and resurrection of Jesus is sufficient for us. Amen.