14 day plan

Navigating a “Crisis of Faith”

Day 7 of 14


Reflection:  John the Baptist was Jesus’ cousin and had grown up with him. Even before John was born, John had an understanding of who Jesus was (Luke 1:41). This conviction was one that he dedicated his entire life to. John saw it as his ministry to get people ready for Jesus and his ministry. As such, he called them to repent and get right with God. He must have had some sort of idea about how things would work out. But then everything changed. John was arrested and put in the fearsome dungeon in Herod’s fortified palace at Machaerus (near the eastern shore of the Dead Sea). His situation was dire; in fact, he would soon be executed. This wasn’t what John imagined would happen, so he sent some of his disciples to question Jesus about whether or not Jesus really was the Messiah.

It’s worth noting Jesus’ response. Firstly, he takes John’s question seriously. Secondly, Jesus doesn’t just spout religious theory, he points to the concrete reality of his ministry – the blind to see, the deaf to hear and the poor to have the gospel preached to them (Luke 7:22).

Jesus can withstand any honest examination whenever faith is challenged.

Prayer:  My Lord Jesus, may I too have a ministry of pointing people to you by my words and actions. And in the dark times, please reassure me by your words and actions, for my only strength comes from you.