Reflection: There was a man who strayed from faith, and in that state, attacked the reputation of the church’s leader, the apostle Paul. In other words, the guy had a pretty big faith crisis.
We can piece together what happened from the words of Paul. Evidently, when the man voiced his slanderous accusations against Paul, the rest of the church shunned him and, by doing so, made it clear that his behaviour was unacceptable.
Fortunately, the man came to his senses, and was repentant… and yet plenty in the church didn’t trust his change of heart and kept him at arm’s length.
Paul then steps in and says the beautiful words of today’s verse: ‘Now, however, it is time to forgive and comfort him. Otherwise, he may be overcome by discouragement.’
So, be ready to welcome back someone who has strayed and show them the love of Christ.
Prayer: Dear Lord Jesus, you have entrusted us with the ministry of reconciliation – bringing those who were once estranged back to you. It is a beautiful ministry. Please empower me with your Holy Spirit so that I might do it well.