14 day plan

Loving God and loving others

Day 4 of 14


Reflection:  Yesterday, we saw how Jesus’ expansive definition of “neighbour” can help us to look beyond individuals or groups with whom we already associate and out to the wider community. Indeed, the mandate for serving and impacting entire cities can be found in the book of Jeremiah, written some 600 years before Christ came to earth.

Some of us may balk at this suggestion. Do we really have something to offer our schools, universities, and workplaces? Is it even possible to engage with media, government, and other sectors – especially where the reputation of the Church is so poor and attitudes toward Christians so hostile? Is God really asking us to go even further in reaching out to those around us?

I believe the answer to these questions is “Yes”. After all, if the Israelites were instructed to seek the peace and prosperity of Babylon, where they were quite literally in exile, then we certainly have a role to play in Sydney, Perth, Townsville, and the towns and cities across our country.

We should do so not only as an act of love and service, but in recognition that our own welfare is tied to that of the places in which we live; that as they prosper, so too will we.

Prayer:  Thank you, Lord God, that you put each of us in a particular location for a particular season. Give us a heart for our communities, cities, and country. I pray now for the peace and prosperity of the place in which I live. In Jesus’ name, Amen.