7 day plan

Lessons from Matthew

Day 7 of 7


Reflection:  In today’s reading, Jesus teaches about our focus being dictated by our finances, using the example of eyes. In the first century, people would say a generous person “has an eye full of light.” Someone’s generosity radiates from them like light from a lamp. Conversely, a greedy or stingy person has an evil or bad eye because they can’t see beyond themselves and their needs.

In Matthew 6:24, Jesus uses an Aramaic word – Mammon. Some modern translations refer to mammon as money, but that’s not quite right. Mammon is the adoration of material possessions. A person who serves ‘Master Mammon’ lives their life as if accumulating wealth is more important than living to worship and serve God. A very different priority. The opposite of mammon is generosity.

Where are you looking? Which master are you serving? Where is your focus? It’s a simple life principle – wherever you want your focus put your finance: “for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”

Prayer:  Lord, I pray for healthy eyes. Eyes fixed on you. Eyes full of light looking for opportunities to be generous. Amen.
