14 day plan

How do I know God’s guidance?

Day 7 of 14


ReflectionHumility – the essential posture

You have to bend low to hear God. Why? Because the posture we need to adopt to hear God is one of humility.

A haughty self-opinionated heart will only have room for its own convictions. However, God finds a humble heart irresistible, and he whispers his revelation into it. A humble heart is given insight into the secrets of existence, meaning and hope.

Similarly, a humble heart doesn’t sit over God’s word and pass judgement on it, changing it to suit personal preferences or convictions. Rather, a humble heart honours God’s revelation. The apostle James urges us to, ‘humbly accept the word planted in you,’ (James 1:21). Humility is the key to understanding God’s revelation.

Humility is not having a low opinion of self, rather it is having a right opinion of self. Those who are humble have an ego quiet enough to hear God. I invite you to be one of them.

Prayer:  Dear Lord Jesus, my ache for significance can make me judgemental, and prideful.  I hate it Lord… and I unreservedly bend my knee and declare that I want to live for your glory alone.