14 day plan

How do I know God’s guidance?

Day 2 of 14


Series Overview:

God created because he had an idea – and you are part of that idea. How do you find out what God’s idea is for you? Over the next two weeks, we’ll be exploring this question with Dr Nick Hawkes.

ReflectionDrawing Close

Everything begins with a right understanding of God. It is unlikely that anyone will experience much guidance from God unless they have this understanding. Let me share with you how this works.

When you begin to understand God, the beauty of his character, the depth of his love and the awesome majesty of who he is, you will fear him (in the sense that you will respect him). And when you honour God with a right appreciation of who he is, he has made it clear that he will be drawn irresistibly to you and will make his plans known to you.

So it all begins with having a right understanding of God. In fact, it can be said that every time we mess things up in life, at the heart of the problem is a wrong view of God.

Listen to the language of God as he expresses a longing to draw you aside and share things with you.

Therefore, I [God] am now going to allure her;
I will lead her
[his people] into the wilderness
and speak tenderly to her
’ (Hosea 2:14).


Prayer:  Dear Lord, thank you that you have made yourself known – as much as you can, whilst preserving our need for faith. What you reveal of your character is beautiful. Please don’t let me stray from you.