14 day plan

How do I know God’s guidance?

Day 14 of 14


ReflectionMy prayer for you

God wants to share life with you and longs to whisper his plans to you. It should therefore be of no surprise that the nearer you are to God, the clearer you will hear his voice.

There are only three possible replies God can give to anyone seeking guidance on a particular subject.

  • No
  • Wait
  • Yes

Most Christians will tell you that there is often a lot of waiting when pursuing the purposes of God. This waiting time is a time when faith is refined and vision is sharpened.

If (or when) God says ‘yes,’ be ready to obey… and go. Amazing adventures of faith await you. Look forward to being able to pray, as King David did, ‘I will praise the Lord, who counsels me; even at night my heart instructs me’ (Psalm 16:7).

Which only leaves me with one more task, and that is to pray the prayer that is today’s passage for you.

Prayer:  Dear Father, life can be unbearably cruel. Draw me close to you so that I might know the hope you have invited me to be part of.