14 day plan

Heroes of the Faith. Examples to Follow

Day 12 of 14


ReflectionPeter the Apostle

There is so much that draws me to the character of Peter. He lived by his wits in the tough trade of fishermen, and he was a man of action, he followed Jesus to the courtyard of the high priest where Jesus was being interrogated (Matthew 26:69). But Peter, like us, was human and vulnerable to sin and weakness. We see this most starkly in his denial of Christ (Matthew 26:75).

When restored by the resurrected Christ, we see a transformation in Peter, who becomes a fearless public orator for the gospel (Acts 2), a faithful leader of the church and a man of letters (1 & 2 Peter). We see his courage before those who have persecuted the young church (Acts 10).

As Matthew Henry said of Peter “sometimes he spoke well, sometimes amiss,” but both are recorded in the Bible to inform and encourage us. Peter’s journey of discipleship all began when Jesus said, “Come, follow me,” and Peter responded immediately, laying down his nets and following Jesus.

Are you, am I, willing to lay down our nets and completely place our faith and trust in Christ? To Peter those fishing nets were his livelihood, his means of income and sustenance for not only himself but his family and could not be easily replaced. Christ may ask us to pick our ‘nets’ up again once we follow him, but he may also lead us along a different path. What is certain is that it is the path where Christ is, and where we should be also.

Prayer:  Heavenly Father, Lord Jesus, this day I yield to you. Show me yourself, your truth and your way.