Reflection: Oswald and Gertrude Chambers
Oswald Chambers was a Baptist minister and founder of a Bible College, but to most of us he is known through his daily devotional writings, My Utmost for his Highest, which were lovingly collated by his wife Gertrude following Oswald ‘s death. In these devotions, we benefit from Oswald’s immersion in the study of God’s word, with days of prayer and fasting as he sought a deeper knowledge and experience of God, and in the working out of this deeper faith as a practitioner in serving others for Christ.
It was said of Oswald and Gertrude that “no one was ever turned away” from their door, and this passion to serve saw Oswald volunteer in 1915 to be a YMCA Chaplain in Egypt, ministering to ANZAC and British troops. During his time, he took the risky decision to abandon the crowd-pleasing concerts and movies and replaced them with Bible classes. To the surprise of many, these classes quickly saw packed audiences of soldiers eager to hear the gospel messages from Chambers.
In October 1917, Chambers fell ill, but resisted a hospital bed, wanting it to be kept available for wounded troops returning from the conflict in Palestine. Sadly, Oswald soon died from his illness. He was buried with full military honours, a remarkable testimony to the respect the army had for this YMCA chaplain.
Despite suffering great financial hardship following Oswald’s death, Gertrude faithfully collated Oswald’s writings. And as a result, we can benefit from these great students of God’s living word to help us to “know the mystery of God” (Colossians 2:2).
Prayer: Dear Lord, I thank you for the provision of your living word and for those gifted in teaching and writing. By your Holy Spirit, may I learn more of you through your word so that I may know more of your love and your will.