Sarah grew up in Pakistan as a child of missionaries. Later, she married Mike, and they returned to Pakistan, as missionaries themselves. Mike had a role in training local pastors, and Sarah was teaching their wives. But during their years in Pakistan, a dark cloud suddenly enveloped Sarah. She said it felt like the spiritual rug was pulled out from under her. In that moment, she suddenly no longer believed in the Bible, or in Jesus, or in prayer. She talked to Mike about it, who kept telling her that God had her in his hand. But the dark night of the soul continued for several years. Then slowly, Sarah began reading The Message. It was in that fresh, unfamiliar language, that Sarah re-met with Jesus. Each day, God gave her a little pearl to treasure. The fog slowly lifted. But now, decades later, Sarah says that pat answers from anybody, are not enough to soothe a sore soul. It isn’t easy. Yet, truthfully, God is in control the whole time. He is with us through our deepest, darkest valleys, and he grows us in everything. Does the shepherd love us? Absolutely. Does he want us to be completely dependent on him? Yes. He wants us to be like a lamb, with its shepherd.
Lord, I thank you that you are my shepherd, and you laid down your life for me. Help me to be like a lamb today, fragile and weak, yet depending on you.