Sometimes, our coming to faith in Jesus involves acknowledging that we can’t, or don’t, understand everything.
When Rod married Cathy (see day 5), he was not a Christian. He met her through mutual friends, and they connected deeply, and then married later that year. When they had their son, it seemed like a miracle to them both, and so they went to church to get him baptised. Rod wasn’t averse to Christianity. He’d read the Bible, but it meant nothing to him personally. At church, though, he connected with the minister, and they read the Bible together. Rod had so many questions. He knew the universe loses energy, so there has to be some kind of mathematical support, or a designer. Rod started to see that it was God. Then he slowly realised that we don’t have to understand everything, to trust in Jesus. He said to me, “Perhaps, it’s a bit like having a dog. If you talk to your dog and you tell him things, does he understand everything about your world? No. Perhaps that’s how it is with us and God?” True!
There’s so much we don’t understand. But we know that Jesus became like us. Jesus came to this earth, and he lived and loved and taught, and then died for us, and rose again, so that we could be right with God. That’s amazing!
Lord, I come to you today and acknowledge all the things I don’t understand. I thank you that I don’t need to. Please help me to cling on to Jesus today… and that’s enough.