There are times when we acknowledge that God’s works are wonderful, yet we live with daily struggles, and we wish that our lives were different.
Our friend Cathy was diagnosed with polio at six months old, and she spent a lot of her childhood in hospital. When she did go to school, she couldn’t play with the other children. At 20, she married Rod, and they had a son, but she still felt like the wrong shape. If she was a better shape, she thought, she might be a better wife or mother or Christian.
At age 42, though, she read John 5. Jesus saw the man lying by the pool, and he said, “Do you want to be well?” Cathy acknowledged the strange question. Of course, the man wants to be well! But she felt challenged in her spirit. Did she want to be well? Could she be well, in her wheelchair? Later, Cathy got a job as a hospital chaplain, and she found immediately that the patients talked to her. They saw her coming in her wheelchair and they knew she understood suffering. They shared with her, in profound ways, and they prayed together. For 20 years now, Cathy has had a wonderful ministry in the hospital, and she’s seen that her shape has purpose and meaning in the place God has her.
It’s the same for all of us. There are no simple answers, but we look to God to steward the way he has made us, for his missional purposes.
Lord, I thank you that I am fearfully and wonderfully made. I don’t understand it, and I don’t always feel that way, but I long to be well, and I long for you to use my shape, for your glory and witness.