14 day plan

God’s ways, our ways

There is so much about God that we find hard to fathom — his timing, his ways, his plans, in Christ. Sometimes, we feel like we understand so little! And then, of course, we quietly remember that he is God, and we are not. His ways are above ours. His thoughts are above our thoughts. He knows all and he sees all. His timing is perfect, even when we can’t see it. Over the last five years, in talking with 300 people about their faith journeys, I have heard this theme, repeatedly. All 300 people acknowledged their questions and fears and struggles, within their deep trust in Jesus. They knew, at an unshakeable level, that God was still God. As they shared their stories and favourite Bible verses with me, their groanings and insights resonated with me. I’d love to share some of their stories with you, as an encouragement over the next two weeks.

Author: Naomi Reed
Naomi Reed is a much-loved Australian Christian author. She and her husband Darren served in Nepal for six years, both working as physiotherapists, and then later training local physios. Naomi also homeschooled their three sons on a Himalayan ridge and began to write, by candlelight. Her first published book ‘My Seventh Monsoon’ was followed by 11 other books, including her latest, ‘Every moment, everywhere – Australian faith stories to fill up your soul.’ Since returning to Australia, Naomi has continued to share God’s truths in a variety of ways including radio, books, speaking, compiling faith stories and creative storytelling. Go to www.NaomiReed.Info