Reflections: Thank God for friends When we read David’s eulogy for Jonathan in 2 Samuel 1 it can break our hearts. In great anguish David named his friend, thanked God for him and said publicly what he appreciated about him. Friendship is a
great gift that God has given us in his mercy to bear fruit for his kingdom. Biblical friendships can give strength and encouragement to us in our lives as believers. We should be very thankful to God for the gift of friendship. It’s hard to know how to build a friendship if you don’t know who you need to work with. I encourage you to get out a piece of paper and write down the names of your friends. This is one of the most helpful ways to cultivate friendship. When we name our friends, we can see that we do have friends, that we may need to put some more effort into certain friendships, reassess some friendships and maybe free ourselves up to pursue some new friendships. Naming our friends also allows us to pray for our friends and thank God for them. I’ve been convicted that I don’t pray regularly enough
with or for my friends. I need to be a bit more like David.
Questions: Who are some friends in your life that you should thank God for? Pray for them by name.
Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for the friends that you have placed in my life. Thank you for … [name your friends]. Please help me to be a friend who is loving, sacrificial and one who looks outward from myself and is a friend who bears fruit for your kingdom. Amen.
We’re reading the Bible until June 30th with Caitlin Orr. Caitlin is an Assistant Minister at Watsons Bay Anglican Church in Sydney.