14 day plan

Christ-Centred Mindfulness: Still and Breathe

Day 8 of 14


Series Introduction

Today, we begin another 7-day series by Dr Katherine Thompson, whose devotions are drawn from her books on Christ Centred Mindfulness. In her writing, Dr Thompson explores how Christians have used a type of mindfulness – often referred to as contemplative prayer and meditation – for hundreds of years, and rediscovers and discusses these techniques.

Breath is central to many forms of relaxation and contemplation. These devotions explore the concept of breath in the context of Scripture and guide us through contemplative exercises that apply Scripture to our lives through a series of practical exercises.


In his hand is the life [nephesh] of every living thing and the breath [ruah] of every human being. Job 12:10

Living in Australia fosters a deep respect for the power of the wind. It can be fierce and unforgiving with storm, cyclonic forcefulness, or frozen Antarctic chill. It can also be warm, gentle and calming. We learn to respect its wildness. It cannot be contained.

It is the same with God’s Spirit, the Hebrew word for which is ruach, which can mean breath, wind or spirit. It is a powerful, uncontainable, creative, life-giving force. This same Spirit of God, or Ruach Elohim, formed the world and the life within it from nothing (see Genesis 1:12).

But ask the animals, and they will teach you;

the birds of the air, and they will tell you;

ask the plants of the earth, and they will teach you;

and the fish of the sea will declare to you.

Who among all these does not know

that the hand of the Lord has done this?

In his hand is the life [nephesh] of every living thing

and the breath [ruah] of every human being. Job 12.7-10

Creation teaches us much about the Creator. Being in nature can help us foster a connection between our breath and God’s, between our spirit and the Spirit of God.


God, thank you for the way your creation teaches about you, our Creator. Thank you for your Holy Spirit, the breath of life, who gives us life.

* This devotional plan is adapted from other resources: Thompson, Katherine (2018). Christ Centred Mindfulness: Connection to Self and God. Acorn Press, Sydney; Thompson, Katherine (2018). Christ Centred Mindfulness: Activities for Young People. Acorn Press, Sydney. Explore other resources from Dr Katherine Thompson: drkatherine.com.au.