7 day plan

Around the world with the Bible

Day 5 of 7


2 Corinthians 1:3-4

“Let us give thanks to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the merciful Father, the God from whom all help comes! He helps us in all our troubles, so that we are able to help others who have all kinds of troubles, using the same help that we ourselves have received from God.” - 2 Corinthians 1:3-4 (GNT)

Reflection: Bangladesh

In Bangladesh, young Hanna’s life changed when her father passed away, leaving her and her two brothers in the care of their mother. This led to Hanna’s anger and sadness growing:

“Mother was our only guardian for taking care and providing food for our family. That was the time when we all felt that why we do not have our father. If our father could be alive, we should not have to go through the difficulties. God could still keep our father alive with us and our lives could be different and beautiful. These are all things that always came to my thinking and disturbed me. I am always saddened by the shadow of that tragedy even though I complain to God for all those situations.”

When Hanna joined a trauma healing program run by the Bangladesh Bible Society, her life was transformed. She learnt to work through her troubles as she formed a better understanding of how God saw her. Through what she read in the Bible, Hanna was given the tools to flourish.

“God has a plan for each of us. He never forgets us; he loves us and protects us from all dangers. God suffers with us and feels our pains. We suffer because of our sin and some other reasons. And sometimes God uses sufferings to purify our faiths. God looks at our struggle. So, we should depend on and surrender to God’s will. Therefore, God will remove all our suffering and sadness.

“After learning those lessons and taking the pain to the cross ceremony, I do not feel sadness for my father… It really helped me to release myself from the sufferings that I had been bearing. My present realisation is that I lost my earthly father, but I got a heavenly and mighty Father who is always caring for me and protecting me.”

Through these lessons, people like Hanna are learning about their value as individuals, how God cares for them personally, and how he has created them in his image.

How can you use the comfort and help you have received from God in your own life to support someone else who is going through a difficult time?

Reflect on specific ways you can reach out to those who may be suffering or struggling, whether through offering emotional support, sharing resources, or simply being present for them, as Hanna learned through her healing journey.


Lord, dwell with and among those going though profoundly difficult circumstances, such as the passing of a loved one or caregiver. Show them your unending love, compassion, and grace. Help us all to trust in your plans, knowing that you are our Heavenly Father who never forgets us.  Amen.
