7 day plan

Around the world with the Bible

Day 4 of 7


Luke 4:18

“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has chosen me to bring good news to the poor.  He has sent me to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to set free the oppressed” – Luke 4:18 (GNT)

Reflection: Sri Lanka

Danila is a very studious and bright girl ten-year-old. She is legally blind.

In Sri Lanka, the Ceylon Bible Society is distributing copies of the Bible in both Braille and audio formats and transforming the lives of Sri Lankans with visual impairments.

Danila received a Braille Bible, and her mother Pramil was full of joy. To a young Sri Lankan girl who is starting life with the challenge of vision impairment, this Braille Bible is opening her eyes to the love, joy and grace of Jesus Christ. The Gospels tell of the love and compassion of Jesus — demonstrated through several stories where he miraculously frees a person from some form of temporal limitation, be it disease, disability, or shame.

The Ceylon Bible Society is providing access for people, like Danila, to engage with the Bible and read the stories of Christ — transforming lives, families, and communities.

In what ways can you bring good news and support to those who are marginalised or facing challenges in your community? How might you advocate for, assist, or uplift individuals who may feel oppressed, blind to opportunities, or in need of hope?


Lord, we pray for all parents and caregivers of children with visual impairments. Encourage and strengthen them as they nurture their children’s faith and learning. Let your presence be their constant guide and support. Continue to bless Bible Society projects which seek to be a conduit between people and your word.  Amen.
