Reflection: Gentle and Humble in Heart
Can you imagine a God of infinite power; a God who has caused the universe to explode into being, and who has hurled honeycomb patterns of galaxies into space; a God who has caused the extraordinary structures of a living cell to exist in their mind-blowing complexity, and who oversaw the creation of humankind… coming to earth as a human being… and saying that he comes as someone who is ‘gentle and lowly?’
When I read the news and learn of bullying world leaders who want to write their names large in history’s page, people who have no compunction about visiting death and destruction in order to force other countries to provide them with riches and resources – the contrast with God is stark.
The author of the universe comes to us as someone gentle and lowly. Extraordinary! Perhaps we were given a bit of a clue about this when Jesus chose to be born in a place where animals feed.
This gives me enormous confidence as I live out the last days of my life. Jesus’ gentle hand will be on me.
Prayer: Dear Lord Jesus, the beauty of your character invites my trust. So I say, without reserve, I trust my wounded and imperfect self to your gentleness… and know myself to be safe.