7 day plan

Abundant Grace

Day 7 of 7


Luke 13:18-19

"Then Jesus asked, 'What is the kingdom of God like? What shall I compare it to? It is like a mustard seed, which a man took and planted in his garden. It grew and became a tree, and the birds perched in its branches.'" Luke 13:18-19 (CEV)

Reflection: Step by Step

This parable of Jesus, the Parable of the Mustard Seed, always captivates me with its simplicity and profound message of growth and potential. It’s a reminder that even the smallest beginnings can lead to remarkable outcomes, and that God’s kingdom operates in ways that often defy our expectations.

Imagine this: a tiny mustard seed, seemingly insignificant, is planted in the ground. Over time, it sprouts, grows, and eventually transforms into a sprawling tree, large enough for birds to nest in its branches. This image speaks to me of the transformative power of faith and the exponential growth that can occur when we surrender our lives to God.

The mustard seed, in Jesus’ context, was the smallest of all seeds. Yet, it had the potential to grow into a large shrub, providing shelter and sustenance for birds. Jesus uses this familiar image to illustrate the growth of God’s kingdom, which often begins in small, unassuming ways.

This parable reminds me that God’s kingdom is not always about grand displays or spectacular events. It often starts with a whisper, a seed of faith planted in the heart. It’s about individuals encountering Jesus, experiencing transformation, and then sharing their faith with others, leading to a ripple effect that can impact entire communities and even nations.

The parable also challenges me to consider the potential within myself and others. We may feel small and insignificant, but God sees the potential for growth and impact within each of us. When we surrender our lives to God, allow his Spirit to work in us, and actively participate in his kingdom, we can become part of something far greater than ourselves.

What are the “mustard seeds” in your life — the small steps of faith or seemingly insignificant actions — that have the potential to grow and make a significant impact?

How can you cultivate these “mustard seeds”, allowing them to take root and flourish in your life? What practices or disciplines can you adopt to nurture your faith and encourage spiritual growth?

How can you actively participate in the growth of God’s kingdom, sharing your faith and contributing your unique gifts and talents to the community of believers?


Dear Lord, thank you for the power of your kingdom, which often starts with the smallest of seeds. Help me to see the potential within myself and others, and to actively participate in your work. May my life be a testament to the transformative power of your love and grace. Amen.
